在美国开车吃罚单,几乎是人人都会遇到的事情,小编很不幸在最近就被警察Pull Over了一次,因为确确实实是超速了,而且路上就我一辆车,经过仔细的查资料和对比,小编不想因罚单上庭,就选择了交罚单并上traffic school。

由于是第一次,罚单加上traffic school的全部花费一共是$140多美金,不算很多,关键是不用浪费时间上庭,并且没有任何违规记录,也不影响保险费等等。下面小编就来详细介绍一下处理过程。
👉 推荐阅读:美国开车吃罚单怎么办?亲身经历向大家讲解处理办法
- 选择不认罪,上庭argue,如果警察那天没到场,你就自然胜利了,不过现在警察99%都会去的,因为听说警察出庭,警局给他们加班费。
- 选择不认罪,写报告argue,听说警察写报告是没有加班费的,再加上他们最讨厌写报告,警察有30%的可能就不写了,还有30%的可能不认真写。以如今的加州财政状况,想得到完全的免除,是非常难的。
- 认罪,交钱,不上traffic school,一张罚单的记录可以使汽车保险费增加15% – 20%,保险费提升为期3年。
- 认罪,交钱,上traffic school,除了traffic school的申请费用,还需要交上traffic school的钱,traffic school分两种,去教室学一天,或者在家网上看。我推荐在家网上看的,因为方便,还便宜。小编网上搜索一番后,gototrafficschool评价比较高,就选择了这家,价格最低$13.5 in total。
- 还有一种情况是在外州吃了罚单,很多人嫌麻烦不去处理,之前小编介绍过后果,参看《在外州被开罚单,不回去处理的后果》
综上所述,小编认为第一次吃超速罚单,最划算又保险的处理办法,就是上traffic school了。先简单梳理一下从吃罚单到完全搞定的过程。
1. 开车超速被警察叔叔Pull Over,求情无果后,被开Ticket。
一般交通违章都是去所在city的小额法庭,处理金额一般小于$500。去法庭不要紧张,决定上traffic school不用见法官,只要在柜台告诉工作人员你要上traffic school就好了。
工作人员会告诉你交多少钱,并给你回执单,同时给你一个通知单,上面明确写着你需要什么时候完成traffic school课程,在什么时间之前,带上完成课程的凭证等材料再回来交给她。
一般是3个月内把所需材料给她就好,一般是traffic school结业凭证,再加上你向DMV申请驾驶记录(大约$10左右)。
3、开始上traffic school
完成traffic school课程一般累计6小时左右,下面会细讲攻略。
至此,你的罚单处理完毕。小编这次的全部花费一共是$140多美金,包括上traffic school的钱,申请驾驶记录的钱,“打折”后的罚金。上traffic school是上班之余断断续续完成的,总共用了一周吧。
👉 推荐阅读:加州交通罚单3种处理办法!处理不当会导致额外罚款
网上Traffic school攻略:
1.去 www.gototrafficschool.com注册,填写好驾照号,罚单号之类的信息,然后填写信用卡号付款
注意每个州的题会有所不同。这里的捷径是:直接进入测试环节,对照下面给出的每个章节测试题和答案 直接进行作答(答案是英文的);如果有时候实在没找到答案是什么,可以带着问题回到本章节内容中去寻找答案
- 每个章节的测试题和答案
- 中文考题和答案(做错的题目红色的叉叉对应的是正确答案 中文考题截图请保存到电脑上放大看就清晰了)
- 英文题库及其答案(最终考试题目从这50道题目中随机抽取)
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下面附上中文试题截图 和 英文试题题库和答案,good luck !!
每个章节测试题目和答案如下, 加粗的即为正确答案:
Chapter: 1
01Course Introduction
02The Common Sense of Driving
1. The _________ are the most frequent victims of pedestrian accidents.
A. Teenagers
B. Adults
C. Children
D. Elderly
2. The Golden Rule says:
A. You can speed through an intersection when the light turns yellow.
B. You should treat others in the same way you would wish others to treat you.
C. You should increase your speed when approaching curves.
D. You must report a collision to the DMV within two years.
03.Security Question
1. What was featured in the video?
A. Descriptions of different kinds of intersections
B. People being arrested for drunk driving
C. Cars, motorcycles, and pedestrians in traffic situations
D. The tutorial for parallel parking
Chapter: 2
01Required Safety Equipment
1. It is illegal to block your view of the environment by:
A. Placing signs, stickers, or objects on the windshield
B. Blocking your view with similar items on the side or rear windows
C. Hanging items from the rear-view mirror
D. All of the above
2. The minimum tread allowed by law is ______ of an inch in any two adjacent treads, anywhere in the tire.
A. 1/4
B. 1/8
C. 1/16
D. 1/32
3. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that some ________ lives could be saved every year if all vehicle occupants used seatbelts.
A. 100
B. 500
C. 1,000
D. 6,000
02 Security Question
1. What color was the car in the diagrams?
A. Blue
B. Silver
C. Red
D. Yellow
Chapter: 3
01Defensive Driving
1. Which of the following is NOT a way to avoid provoking other drivers?
A. Avoid eye contact with an angry driver
B. Speed up if another car is trying to pass you.
C. Don’t cut off other drivers.
D. Don’t tailgate.
2. You must signal at least _______ before turning or changing lanes at a marked or unmarked intersection.
A. 2 seconds
B. 5 miles
C. 1 foot
D. 100 feet
3. _________ occurs when a thin film of water builds up between the tires and pavement and makes steering and braking practically impossible.
A. Velocitation
B. Highway hypnosis
C. Hydroplaning
D. Skidding
02 Security Question
1. What colors were the three cars in the right of way diagram?
A. Blue, green, and red
B. Yellow, pink, and purple
C. Beige, grey, and black
D. Silver, Gold, and Bronze
Chapter: 4
01Established Speed Laws
1. _____________________ may sometimes require a temporary maximum speed limit differing from the usual posted limit.
A. Construction zones
C. Fridays
D. Parking lots
2. When trees, buildings, hedges, parked cars, and other barriers restrict your view, you need to slow down to ________ unless the intersection is controlled by a stop sign, yield right-of-way sign, or traffic signals.
A. 5 mph
B. 15 mph
C. 30 mph
D. 55 mph
3. The force of impact is greater the higher the speed—a 60-mph impact is _________ greater than a 30-mph impact.
A. two times
B. three times
C. four times
D. eight times
02 Security Question
1. This chapter contained images of:
A. Speed limit signs
B. Engine components
C. Drunk drivers
D. Valve Trains
Chapter: 5
01Proper Lane Use
1. Vehicles must always drive on the right half of all highways. There are no exceptions to this rule.
A. True
B. False
2. Vehicles must always drive on the right half of all highways EXCEPT:
A. when making a left turn
B. when passing
C. when the roadway is not wide enough
D. all of the above
3. On a three-lane highway that designates one lane of traffic for each direction, the middle lane is used for:
A. emergency vehicles
B. regular through traffic
C. parking
D. vehicles making left turns or passing
02Security Question
1. This chapter contained images of:
A. Insurance rates
B. Lane markings
C. Adverse weather conditions
D. Mufflers
Chapter: 6
01Backing Up Safely
1. The proper procedure for backing up is to keep your foot on the ______ the entire time.
A. Floor
B. Clutch
C. Brake Pedal
D. Accelerator
2. Backing up against the flow of traffic is:
A. fun and exciting
B. safe in certain situations
C. unsafe in certain situations
D. foolish and risky
02 Security Question
1. What happened in the video?
A. The green car backed up, causing the red car to rear-end it.
B. Henry Ford described his first car.
C. Various engine components were shown.
D. Centrifugal system of engine dynamics
Chapter: 7
01Interacting at Intersections
1. If your view of the intersection is blocked:
A. make sure you accelerate quickly when you pull out.
B. inch out closer so you can see what is coming.
C. move on to the next intersection and turn there rather than risk moving into an area you cannot see.
D. pull out and make oncoming traffic slow down to let you through.
2. When you notice an approaching hazard what do you do?
A. Be prepared to brake, if necessary
B. Speed up to pass
C. Stop
D. all of the above
3. At a four-way stop, if two or more vehicles arrive at the same time, __________ has the right-of-way.
A. neither driver
B. the driver to the left
C. the driver to the right
D. both drivers
02 Security Question
1. What were the videos in this chapter about?
A. How to change your oil
B. How to properly start your car
C. How to negotiate various kinds of turns
D. How to tune up your engine
Chapter: 8
01 Passing
1. Which of the following skills is a requirement for properly executed passing?
A. Good judgment
B. Rapid decision-making
C. Quick reactions
D. Good judgment AND rapid decision-making
2. When is passing on the right permitted?
A. when changing lanes.
B. on a one-way street.
C. at all times
D. never
3. When someone tries to pass you, both the law and safety require you to:
A. pull over
B. maintain your speed and lane position
C. allow him or her to pass
D. accelerate
02 Security Question
1. This chapter showed several diagrams of cars on the road. What two colors were these cars?
A. Green and white
B. Purple and yellow
C. Red and blue
D. Black and Silver
Chapter: 9
01 Demands of City Driving
1. Both pedestrians and bicyclists are ____ vulnerable to injury than those in vehicles.
A. more
B. less
C. equally
D. None of the above
2. In which of the following situations should cover your brake?
A. When you are next to parked vehicles
B. When you see the brake lights of other vehicles
C. When you are approaching signal lights
D. All of the above
02 Security Question
1. What color was the car in this chapter?
A. Pink
B. Red
C. Brown
D. Gold
Chapter: 10
01 Demands of Freeway Driving
1. ________ merge lanes (where two lanes merge at the on-ramp and/or the acceleration lane) allow slower moving vehicles more time and space to accelerate up to highway speeds.
A. Double
B. Single
C. Narrow
D. Acceleration
2. When exiting the freeway, you should signal for at least _______ to alert other drivers of your intentions.
A. 5 seconds
B. 2 seconds
C. 10 seconds
D. 8 seconds
02 Security Question
1. What was covered in the video in this chapter?
A. How to enter a freeway
B. How to select the proper lane
C. How to enter a freeway and How to select the proper lane
D. How to shift into neutral
Chapter: 11
01 Driving on an Open Highway
1. When you approach another vehicle from behind, dim your lights before you reach closer than ___ feet.
A. 200
B. 300
C. 400
D. 500
2. If a long line of vehicles approaches you, what do you do?
A. slow down, and move as far over as possible.
B. Speed up and pass on either side.
C. Stop3
D. turn the other way.
3. Large trucks take _________ to stop than other vehicles traveling at the same speed.
A. a longer time
B. a shorter time
C. the same amount of time
D. very little time
4. Slow-moving vehicles (those that travel at 25 mph or less) display a sign on their back that looks like:
A. A red octagon
B. An orange triangle
C. A yellow square
D. A purple horseshoe
02 Security Question
1. What was the video about?
A. Truck blind spots
B. Transporting livestock
C. Mountain driving
D. Using the clutch system
Chapter: 12
01 Hazardous Conditions
1. A vehicle with properly inflated tires having good tread can begin to hydroplane at____________mph when there is as little as 1/12th of an inch of rain on the roadway.
A. 40
B. 55
C. 65
D. 35
2. How do you maximize your visibility when driving on slippery surfaces?
A. use your headlights
B. pull off the road.
C. speed threw the fog.
D. all of the above
02 Security Question
1. Which topics were NOT covered in the videos contained in this chapter?
A. Drunk driving, parralel parking, parking on an incline
B. Hyroplaning, road conditions
C. Headlight failure, brake failure, tire failure, stuck accelerator
D. Overriding the clutch, redlining the engine
Chapter: 13
01 Alcohol and Other Drugs
1. The ____________________ Law means the DMV has the power to suspend or revoke your license based on the results of tests taken OR your refusal to take such tests.
A. Administrative Per Se
B. Zero Tolerance
D. Alcohol Testing
2. The BAC test stands for what?
A. Breath Alert Control
B. Blood Alcohol Concentration
C. Blood Alcohol Control
D. Bad Accident Crashes
3. If you are under age 21, it is illegal to drive with a BAC of ____ or greater.
A. 0.01%
B. 0.08%
C. 0.10%
D. 1%
4. An average person can fall into a coma with a blood alcohol level of just __________.
A. 0.08%
B. 0.25%
C. 0.45%
D. 2%
5. When a police officer suspects a driver under 21 of taking drugs or alcohol, that youth must submit to a ___________ test.
A. First Drug offense test.
B. Breathalizer.
C. Math test.
D. Preliminary Alcohol Screening.
02 Security Question
1. Which image was NOT shown in this chapter?
A. Cutaway diagram of the human body showing various organs
B. Various alcoholic beverages
C. A motorist being arrested
D. Blood Alcohol Concentration chart
Chapter: 14
01 Driver Responsibility
1. Trains take at least __________ to stop.
A. 100 feet
B. 500 feet
C. 1/2 a mile
D. One mile
2. Under California law, if you’re involved in an accident that results in over $750 worth of total damages, or any injury or fatality, you must file a report with the DMV within _____ days of the accident.
A. 10
B. 30
C. 14
D. 5
3. Liability insurance protects you against:
A. claims from an uninsured motorist
B. claims if you are not at fault in a collision
C. claims if you are at fault in a collision
D. all of the above
4. Pedestrians are not allowed to walk on ____________ or ___________ unless there is a sidewalk more than three feet wide and signs permitting pedestrian access.
A. toll bridges and highway crossings
B. freeways and park sidewalks
C. railroad tracks and crosswalks
D. none of the above
5. California law requires those under _______ years of age to wear a properly fitted and fastened bicycle helmet while operating a bicycle or riding on one as a passenger.
A. 16
B. 12
C. 21
D. 18
02 Security Question
1. Which of the following is shown in the bicycle safety video?
A. A bicyclist falls off his bike while emerging from a tunnel.
B. A bicyclist and a pedestrian collide on a city sidewalk.
C. A bicyclist has to swerve to avoid colliding with a car that is backing out.
D. A bicyclist has to raise his front wheel to jump over the vehicle
Chapter: 15
01 Traffic Signs, Signals and Controls
1. When two sets of double solid lines are spaced two or more feet apart on a four-lane roadway:
A. you may not pass them
B. you may change lanes
C. you may use the area as a center left turn lane
D. just ignore them
2. What is the meaning of a orange diamond sign?
A. Yield
B. Construction
C. Stop
D. Speed Limit
3. When you come upon a stopped school bus with flashing red lights, you must stop. If you fail to do so, you may be fined up to:
A. $200
B. $1,500
C. $1,000
D. $450
4. What color are regulation signs?
A. Black, white, red
B. Yellow, black, red
C. Blue and white
D. Brown and white
5. What color are warning signs?
A. Red, black, white
B. Blue and white
C. Yellow and black
D. Red and yellow
02 Security Question
1. Which description best fits the motorist in the road code video?
A. Man with brown hair
B. Woman with blonde hair
C. Man with long white beard
D. Woman with white hair
Chapter: 16
01 Licensing Control Measures
1. What is the minimum age to recieve a learner’s permit?
A. 13
B. 15 years, 6 months
C. 16
D. 17
2. What is the Negligent Operator Treatment System?
A. Find careless and reckless drivers.
B. Find people with warrants.
C. Find people who drive with DUI
D. none of the above
3. Driving with an expired license, unsafe lane changes, and failing to stop at a stop sign are given __________.
A. one point
B. two points
C. three points
D. four points
4. A learner’s permit must be held for a minimum of ___ months before applying for a provisional license.
A. 4
B. 6
C. 9
D. 1
02 Security Question
1. What image is shown at the end of the chapter?
A. Different kinds of cars and motorcycles
B. A map of the U.S. showing all the major highways
C. Various traffic signs
D. Different Rods and Piston components
英文考题题库如下,一般试题内容不会变 只是从下面题库随机抽选一定数目的考题 每次只是改变题目顺序而已
1. Because children might be playing behind parked vehicles
without a driver
’s knowledge, you should make a practice of:
honking your horn before driving
checking your mirrors carefully
driving slowly through parking lots
√ walking behind and around your vehicle to check for them
2. _______ paint on a curb allows you to stop long enough to
load and unload
people or objects. Drivers of non-commercial vehicles must
stay with their
√ Yellow
3. At an uncontrolled four-way stop, if two or more vehicles
arrive at the
same time, __________ has the right-of-way.
neither driver
the driver to the left
√ the driver to the right
both drivers
4. Unless otherwise posted, limits are set at ________ for residential
and business districts.
√ 25 mph
30 mph
35 mph
45 mph
5. You are NOT allowed to make U-turns:
on two-way streets
from left turn lanes
√ in front of fire stations
unless a sign permits it
6. You may drive to the left of a yellow line when:
overtaking a vehicle that is parked or going slower than your
turning left at an intersection or into a driveway or side
the right side of the road is closed or obstructed
√ all of the above
7. _________ occurs when a thin film of water builds up
between the tires
and pavement and makes steering and braking practically
Highway hypnosis
√ Hydroplaning
8. When someone tries to pass you, both the law and safety
require you to:
pull over
maintain your speed and lane position
√ allow him or her to pass
9. _________ refers to speeding without realizing it.
Highway hypnosis
√ Velocitation
Road rage
10. Driving with an expired license, unsafe lane changes, and
failing to
stop at a stop sign are given __________.
√ one point
two points
three points
four points
11. Statistically, the everyday motor vehicle is the number
___ cause of
death among people ages 15-30 in the United States.
√ 1
12. ____________ are the most frequent victims of collisions
vehicles and pedestrians.
The handicapped
√ The elderly
13. Liability insurance protects you against:
claims from an uninsured motorist
claims if you are not at fault in a collision
√ claims if you are at fault in a collision.
all of the above
Liability insurance protects you against claims if you are at
fault in a
14. The majority of pedestrian fatalities occur:
at intersections
in cross-walks
√ when a pedestrian suddenly runs across the path of a
in parking lots
The majority of pedestrian fatalities occur when a pedestrian
suddenly runs
across the path of a vehicle, because motorists do not expect
to have to
stop at these locations.
15. ______________ is an extra lane that permits a vehicle to
reach freeway
√ An acceleration lane
A shoulder
A carpool lane
A passing lane
An acceleration lane is an extra lane that permits a vehicle
to reach
freeway speeds.
16. _______ paint on a curb means no stopping, standing,
parking, loading,
or unloading.
√ Red
Red paint on a curb means no stopping, standing, parking,
loading, or
unloading. The one exception is that a bus may stop at a red
zone marked for
17. _______ of all wrecks occur within 25 miles of home.
√ Half
Half of all wrecks occur within 25 miles of home. That is why
it is
important to wear your safety belt at all times, even if you
are not going
18. After completing your pass, you should return to your
√ when you can see both headlights of the vehicle you just
passed in your
rearview mirror
as soon as possible
when you are one car-length ahead of the vehicle you just
when you see oncoming vehicles approaching
After completing your pass, you should return to your lane
when you can see
both headlights of the vehicle you just passed in your
rearview mirror.
19. To prove your identity at the Department of Motor
Vehicles, you may take:
your tax returns
√ your birth certificate
a telephone bill
your social security card
To prove your identity at the Department of Motor Vehicles,
you may take
your birth certificate.
20. The Basic Speed Law:
establishes a 55 mph speed limit.
provides the minimum speed limits for vehicles.
allows drivers to drive at any speed they reasonably believe
to be safe
under the circumstances.
√ requires that drivers reduce their speed if driving
conditions make it
unsafe to follow posted speed limits.
The Basic Speed Law requires that drivers reduce their speed
if driving
conditions make it unsafe to follow posted speed limits.
21. A Class ____ license allows you to ride any motor bike.
√ M1
A Class M1 license allows you to ride any motor bike.
22. All new residents of California must have a valid
California driver
license within:
5 working days
1 week
√ 10 days
30 days
When you make your home in California or take a job here, you
must get a
California driver license within 10 days.
23. A _____ limit applies when traveling near school zones
where children
are outside or crossing the street.
10 mph
20 mph
√ 25 mph
35 mph
A 25 mph limit applies when traveling near school zones where
children are
outside or crossing the street. As they are less predictable,
slow down and
give children wider space to maneuver. If there is not a safe
way to steer
clear of the children, stop and allow them to pass.
24. When backing up, keep your foot __________ while you
shift your vehicle
into reverse gear.
√ on the brake
on the accelerator
on the floorboard
none of the above
When backing up, keep your foot on the brake while you shift
your vehicle
into reverse gear.
25. When you come upon a stopped school bus with flashing red
lights, you
must stop. If you fail to do so, you may be fined up to:
√ $1,000
Remain stopped as long as the red lights on a school bus are
Failure to do so may result in a fine of up to $1,000 and
your driving
privilege could be suspended for a period of one year.
26. If your vehicle stalls in the middle of the roadway, you
turn on your headlights
√ move off the roadway as quickly as possible
immediately call for help
try to get someone to assist you
If your vehicle stalls in the middle of the roadway, you
should move off
roadway as quickly as possible.
27. Diamond lanes are reserved for vehicles with:
the elderly
√ two or more people
four or more people
Diamond lanes are reserved for vehicles with two or more
people. Vehicles in
these lanes are exempt at certain on-ramps from stopping at
timed entrance
28. Ice tends to form in shady areas, as well as:
on freeways
on the shoulder of the road
on railroad crossings
√ on bridges and overpasses
Ice tends to form in shady areas, as well as on bridges and
which, being more exposed to the cold air, tend to freeze
before other road
areas. Approach these areas with caution.
29. _________ indicate the center of a two-way road used for
two-way traffic.
White lines
Orange cones
√ Yellow lines
Yellow lines indicate the center of a two-way road used for
two-way traffic.
30. On a three-lane highway that designates one lane of
traffic for each
direction, the middle lane is used for:
emergency vehicles
regular through traffic
√ vehicles making left turns or passing
On a three-lane highway that designates one lane of traffic
for each
direction, the middle lane is used for vehicles making left
turns or passing
. Unless specified, the middle lane is not used for regular
through traffic.
31. Do not reverse around a corner when your visibility is
limited or
at night
√ unless you have someone else directing you
if pedestrians are present
Do not reverse around a corner when your visibility is
limited or blocked
unless you have someone else directing you.
32. If one of your front tires blows out, the first thing you
should do is:
engage your emergency brake
√ hold the steering wheel firmly on a straight course
steer your vehicle off the roadway
shift to a lower gear
If one of your front tires blows out, the first thing you
should do is hold
the steering wheel firmly on a straight course.
33. It is legal to carry an open (unsealed) container of
alcohol in your
vehicle if:
it is in the back seat
it is in the glove compartment
√ it is in the trunk
all of the above
The container must be full, sealed, and unopened if it is in
the front seat.
Otherwise, it must be put in the trunk or a place where