- “Times are tough.” 日子不好过啊~
- “Is there anything you can do for me?” 你有什么可以帮我的吗?
你: Hi, I was looking at my plan and it’s getting pretty expensive. Could you tll me what other plans you have that would save me money?
商家: Blah blah same plans as on the website blah blah
你: What about any plans not listed on the website ?
商家: No, what we have is listed on the website. Plus, you’re on a contract and have an early cancellation fee of $XXX.
你: Well, I understand that, but /’d be saving $XXX even with that cancellation fee. Look, you know times are tough so I’m thinking of switching to [竞争对手商家名]. Unless there are any other plans you have.. ? No? Ok, can you switch me to your cancellation department, please?
关键是态度要好,要亲切,问他们有什么更好的plan可以提供给你。千万不要生气和尖叫,比如“HOW DARE YOU SCREW ME OVER WITH THESE PRICES. I WON’T STAND FOR IT. GIVE ME fewer FEES … uh please?””你怎么敢给我涨价,我受不了啦,给我少收点费用!!!呃,求你了行不?”千万别这么说。
Listen, you know times are tough and I need to get a better deal to stick with you guys. You know and I know that your customer acquisition cost is hundreds of dollars. It just makes sense to keep me as a customer, so what can you do to offer me this plan for less money? 哎,日子不好过,我确实需要更好的优惠才能继续使用你家的服务,咱都知道你们要拉一个新客户要多花几百美金,所以留住我肯定是有意义的,来吧,跟我说说还能有哪些优惠?
请注意,你不要说 “你能不能给我一个更优惠的计划?(Can you give me a cheaper plan?)”,因为当你问“能不能”的问题时,一般都是 “不能 “的回答。
我们要做的,是提出引导性的问题,让对方知道损失点钱留住我们是有意义的。说的是what can you do to…你能给我的是什么优惠……