洛杉矶市,墨西哥制造?美国攻略2015-07-20玩乐推荐一条评论 洛杉矶的一个井盖,很有意味…… 大约1820-1848年左右,洛杉矶曾是墨西哥的一座城市。 标签# 攻略# 旅游 美国攻略 Amazon,Youtube等美国兼职赚钱途径分享,华人爆款厨房用具和家用电器推荐,美国购物指南和居家攻略,以及各类美国免费福利信息汇总,并为您介绍美国法律,买房资讯,家具装饰等美国攻略。 文章: 1795
Los Angeles was made California’s capital when it belonged to Mexico. This was what began its transformation from town (pueblo) to city. So the city of Los Angeles was founded by Mexico.
Los Angeles was made California’s capital when it belonged to Mexico. This was what began its transformation from town (pueblo) to city. So the city of Los Angeles was founded by Mexico.